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* 1. A young mother, originally from El Salvador, crosses the U.S. - Mexico border with her child.  She is seeking permission to stay in the United States legally, because she is afraid of being attacked by her husband who drinks excessively and has recently been forced to join a gang.  She has not completed any immigration paperwork prior to arrival. 

The best term for a person who crosses an international border looking for sanctuary is:

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* 2. Karla, a healthy 15-year-old girl with parents from Mexico who are “undocumented” (do not have the proper official documentation to legally reside in the U.S.), has been your patient for the past eight years.  She presents today for a sports physical.  During routine adolescent “HEADDS” screening (assessment of home, education, activities, drinking, drugs, sex/sexuality) she is noted to have developed irritability, difficulty sleeping, and dropping grades.  When you interview her alone, she confides she is frightened her parents will be deported when she goes to school.

What is the most appropriate next step to support Karla?

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* 3. Ana lives in a mixed-status family, a family with varied immigration statuses.  There are estimated to be 5.1 million children living in mixed-status families in the United States.  Your practice serves many children in such families. 

What documents should you advise her family to keep in a safe, accessible place in preparation for possible deportation? (select all that apply)

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* 4. Maria’s mother was deported at her routine check-in with immigration services this month.  The family is planning to move to Mexico before the next school year.  Maria’s father brings her to clinic today to get a copy of her physical and see if she needs any vaccines.  Your pediatric practice has a plan to help families who face challenges related to deportation.

What advice would you give Maria’s father?

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* 5. You are the faculty advisor for a resident, who was born to immigrant parents.  He speaks, reads, and writes fluent Spanish.  He wants to volunteer time in Mexico helping immigrants who have been deported.

What advice would you give?

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* 6. Contact information

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* 7. I give permission to the AAP to share my completion data for this activity (first/last name, DOB, ABP ID, and date of completion) with the ACCME for purposes of MOC Part 2 Points.

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* 8. Are you currently a member of the AAP Council on Community Pediatrics (COCP)?

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* 9. If you're a member of COCP, are you currently a member of the Immigrant Special Interst Group (SIG)?

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* 10. How about their professional education work group?