Salary Benchmarking Survey

Salary benchmarking for roles in Kensington and Chelsea VCS

Please provide the following salary information for this benchmarking exercise across the voluntary and community sector in K&C. Please indicate the salary (FTE) for the closest equivalent role within your organisation. This survey is anonymous
1.Please complete the question on the London Living Wage and Cost of Living payment before selecting the appropriate box for the income of your organisation
2.Salary level of the Administation Officer
3.Salary level of the Finance Officer
4.Salary level of the frontline Support Worker e.g Youth or Older person Support Worker or Peer Support Worker
5.Salary level of the Team Manager
6.Salary level of the Senior Manager
7.Salary level of the Finance Manager
8.Salary level of Head of Services/Operations
9.Salary level of Deputy CEO
10.Salary level of Director/CEO