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Please share your opinions on the need for more housing choices in our community!

What is Missing Middle Housing? It is a transformative concept that highlights the need for diverse, affordable housing choices in sustainable, walkable places. It encompasses all of the housing types in between single-family detached homes and mid-rise apartments. Examples already exist in some of the older areas of our community. It can provide opportunities for more housing choices for community members. (Please note: affordable housing is not the same as subsidized housing.)

Thank you in advance for your participation in this survey! Results will be used to help guide the discussion at the upcoming Missing Middle Housing Forum on August 14 from 8am-noon at NIC's Student Union Building. The forum is being co-hosted by the City of Coeur d’Alene, Coeur d’Alene Association of REALTORS, and CDA 2030.  The forum is FREE to attend and will address the need for more housing inventory and choices in our community and the greater region. Register for the event on eventbrite:

Question Title

* 1. Do you believe the current housing prices are keeping community members from buying homes?

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* 2. Do you believe rent prices are forcing community members to seek rental units in outlying areas?

Question Title

* 3. Do you think housing affordability is an issue that needs to be addressed at a local and regional level?

Question Title

* 4. What types of missing middle housing would be compatible in existing neighborhoods? 

(Rankings: 1 is most compatible and 9 is least compatible)

  1. Tiny Houses (100-400 square feet)
  2. Duplexes / Twin Homes (look like single-family homes but contain two units)
  3. Triplexes or Fourplexes
  4. Cottage Housing / Courtyard Cluster Housing (several housing units clustered around green space or a shared courtyard)
  5. Manor Homes (look like single-family but contain multiple units)
  6. Low Rise Apartments ("Stacked Flats")
  7. Condominiums
  8. Townhouses / Row Houses
  9. Mixed Use (commercial/retail with residential above)

Question Title

* 5. Is there a need for more housing choices (e.g., more variety in the type of housing that is built) in our community?

Question Title

* 6. What are the top barriers to development of missing middle housing in our community?

(Possible examples: cost of land, financing, limited parcels, construction costs, city code, opposition to density, etc.)

Question Title

* 7. Why are developers/home builders not building more of a variety of housing product types?  (This includes both for sale and for rent housing)

(Possible examples: perceived consumer preferences for housing, cost of construction, financing, fear of neighborhood opposition, community is not ready for change, changing house plans is expensive, etc.)

Question Title

* 8. What ideas/suggestions do you have to help incentivize these types of housing?

(Possible examples: density bonuses, code changes to allow more flexible developments, creative financing, housing trusts, etc.)

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* 9. Should missing middle housing be encouraged citywide or only within designated areas initially?

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* 10. What are the most important characteristics for ensuring that missing middle housing is compatible with existing neighborhoods?

(Possible examples: design, size, scale, housing product type, setbacks, height, number of units, etc.)

0 of 10 answered