Question Title

* 1. Are you an ABA member?

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* 2. American Booksellers Association is committed to assisting our members with their online marketing and e-commerce needs. To help us achieve this goal, please rank the following based on the importance to your online business strategy.

  Not Important Important Very Important
Sell eBooks online
Sell audio books online
Display online calendar of store events
Sell new books online
Sell used books online
Email marketing - Gathering addresses and distributing email
Selling products such as signed copies, event tickets and non book items 
List available store inventory online
Social media marketing
Sell advertising on my website

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* 3. What e-commerce and online marketing topics would you like us to cover at educational venues like Winter Institute? Would webinars covering these topics interest you? 

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* 4. OPTIONAL - If you would like to discuss any of these topics further, please leave your name and email address below.   THANK YOU!