ExiliCon 2015 - General Feedback Survey Question Title * 1. Firstly, before any more questions jog your memories, can I just ask you for a few general thoughts and impressions on the convention? Question Title * 2. Secondly, the big question - did you enjoy ExiliCon? A great deal, it was a really positive day It was fun, I had a good day It was alright It wasn't particularly fun Question Title * 3. How similar was the event to what you expected from the advertising beforehand? It was very similar It was quite similar It didn't look like what I expected It was totally different to anything I expected If it was different to what you expected, in what ways did it differ? Question Title * 4. Here are some aims or possible outcomes of the convention. Which do you think we achieved? (Select all that apply) I left the event knowing and understanding more about what Exilian does I left the event knowing more about the projects on display/subjects of panels or talks I left the event wanting to get more involved with Exilian I left the event having made new connections, friends, or contacts I left the event having had a good time I left the event feeling more positive about Exilian and what it does I left the event feeling more positive about the entertainments and projects on display I left the event wanting to know more about Exilian, although I didn't find out much on the day I learned something at the event Question Title * 5. Which of these aspects of the event do you think worked well? The traders and trade stands The non-trading "exhibition" stands explaining projects or games The gaming areas/games that were being run The Bards' Quarter programme of talks and panels The advertising The signage and physical location of the event The general organisation, logistics, staffing, etc Refreshments Question Title * 6. And which of these aspects of the event do you think worked badly? The traders and trade stands The non-trading "exhibition" stands explaining projects or games The gaming areas/games that were being run The Bards' Quarter programme of talks and panels The advertising The signage and physical location of the event The general organisation, logistics, staffing, etc Refreshments Question Title * 7. Could you tell us what you think we could have improved about the event, especially any aspects you thought went badly? Question Title * 8. How did you find out about ExiliCon? Facebook Twitter Exilian From a friend From a poster or flyer Reddit Direct email from Exilian volunteers or staff Other social media or direct email On a "what's on" website or similar Other (Please Specify) Question Title * 9. How likely would you be to go to ExiliCon 2016? I'd go out of my way to make sure I was there I'd definitely like to come I'd come if it was convenient for me I might come if I was bored and had little else to do I probably wouldn't come I'd go out of my way to avoid going Question Title * 10. Any further comments? Done