About This Survey

We hope you’ll share feedback for the region’s Comprehensive Climate Action Plan, a roadmap to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout Central Virginia. Known as the CCAP, the plan represents the next phase of the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) program through the Environmental Protection Agency.

PlanRVA received a $1 million planning grant from the EPA in 2023 and is leading the creation of the region’s climate action plan. Earlier this year, we completed and submitted the Priority  Climate Action Plan (PCAP), which focused on transportation and waste measures to reduce greenhouse emissions.

More than 800 people shared feedback in our first survey, and for this phase we're focused on reaching even more people -- and prioritizing specific areas of climate impact across six economic sectors.

We need everyone’s perspectives to develop solutions.

While climate change and pollution impacts everyone, we know under-resourced communities are disproportionately affected. PlanRVA and its locality partners are focused on collecting community input during the planning process, with an emphasis on engaging overburdened and historically underinvested communities throughout the region.

Thank you for your time, and your input!