Rockland County Fire Chiefs Association Survey

1.Do you or your officers regularly attend the association meetings? If so, how often? If not, why?
2.Do you feel the meeting structure could change to make better use of your time? If so, how? (Examples- earlier start, shorter meetings, meeting frequency, etc.)
3.How do we change the mindset that the association is just a group of “old timers and has beens”?
4.Are you aware that some association committees are involved in making important decisions that affect the county fire service as a whole? If not, how can we get that information out to the Chiefs?
5.Do you attend the “Sitting Chiefs” meetings held at the FTC? If so, how does that affect your decision on attending Chiefs Assoc. meetings?
6.What are your thoughts on the educational programs we try to bring to the meetings? Would you like to see them monthly or less frequently?
7.What educational topics would you like to see at the meetings?
8.If you could, are they any areas of the meeting you would remove?
9.To maintain a strong association, how would you recommend we reach out to junior and/or new officers and convince them to join?
10.Are there issues common to all county Chiefs that you feel the association could become involved in to assist you in?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered