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* 1. Please can you tell us your Age, Gender and how long you have lived in Huddersfield. 

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* 2. How often would you say you use the markets in Huddersfield?

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* 3. Looking back can you tell us your best memories of the markets? E.g Any memories that have stayed with you, items that were sold in the market that are no longer available?

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* 4. How have the markets changed over the years?

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* 5. Do you remember Dr Dan’s health drink? If so please tell us more about it!

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* 6. What would you like to see in the market now?
E.g Is there something you’d like to bring back/see more of/less of? 

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* 7. What activities do you like to do in your spare time for your personal wellbeing? 

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* 8. All data we receive will be anonymous and used for our research purposes only. There may be occasions where we would love to use your comments/stories in a public exhibition in Queensgatemarket , would we have your consent to do so? 

If you would like anymore information on how your comments/stories would be used please contact

You are free to withdraw from this survey at any point