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Each year MVMA hosts MiVetCon, a 3-day continuing education event geared toward all members of the healthcare team. The MiVetCon Planning Committee is interested in inviting speakers who place an importance on an interactive environment that encourages attendees to participate in the learning process. If you would like to be considered as a MiVetCon speaker, please submit your session proposal below.

Question Title

* 1. Speaker Name

Question Title

* 2. Daytime Phone Number

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* 3. Email Address

Question Title

* 4. Please submit CV or credential information here.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

Question Title

* 5. Intended Session Audience

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* 6. Session Title(s)

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* 7. Anticipated Length of Presentation(s)

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* 8. Session Description (please keep to 250 words or less)

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* 9. Description of Interactive Component or Methods of Engagement

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* 10. Does your session include aspects of animal welfare or discuss the importance of diversity in the profession? If so, how do you plan to integrate these issues in your presentation?

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* 11. Please tell us about your prior speaking experience(s) and/or expertise. Include links to previous presentations and/or videos, if possible.

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* 12. Are you interested in being considered for micro session facilitation, where the audience is encouraged to actively engage with the speaker in a round-table setting?

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* 13. If we are unable to include your session in this year's event, would you be interested in being considered as a speaker at other MVMA events?

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