Family E-Newsletter Survey (Sept. 2020) Question Title * 1. What is your student's year of study at JWU? First Second Third Fourth Question Title * 2. In what academic college is your student enrolled? College of Arts & Sciences College of Business College of Food Innovation & Technology (Culinary Arts) College Engineering & Design College of Health & Wellness College of Hospitality Management Question Title * 3. Which of the following best describes your student this semester? Lives on campus and attends some classes/labs in person on campus Lives at home and attends some classes/labs in person on campus Lives in off-campus housing and attends some classes/labs in person on campus Lives at home and takes all classes remotely Lives in off-campus housing and takes all classes remotely Question Title * 4. What is the best time of day for you to participate in family-focused Zoom meetings or live chats on social media? Morning Lunchtime Afternoon Evening I have no interest in participating Question Title * 5. What's a go-to movie that you and your student enjoy watching together? (We're looking for ideas for a Homecoming & Family Weekend watch party.) Done