Welcome to our DIA 2025 Global Annual Meeting Call for Topics brainstorming activity!!

The Goal for the DIA 2025 Global Annual Meeting is to amplify different voices, recognize expertise across the globe, bring together experts to solve problems and reimagine current processes to enhance health and well-being.

By brainstorming together, we aim to gain a better understanding of your professional needs and the type of content we should focus on for the DIA 2025 program agenda.

Please note: submission of a topic suggestion is not related to chairing a session or speaking at DIA 2025. An open Call for Abstracts will be available at the end of August to solicit content for DIA 2025.

What topic(s) would you like to see at DIA 2025?

Question Title

* 1. Topic Suggestion:
Please note - the suggestion may not exceed 200 characters.

Question Title

* 2. Associated DIA Track: From the list below, please select the educational track that your topic suggestion would best fit in to.