From time to time, the District Council conducts surveys to learn what’s most important to union members. The answers you provide will help the Council determine what changes to the Collective Bargaining Agreement could improve the value of your work (what you receive in wages and benefits for your work) and the conditions in which you work, as well as other ways the Council could help increase work opportunities for members and keep our union strong.
In order for the District Council to know for certain that survey responses are coming only from PDC 30 union members (and NOT employers or members of other District Councils), we must ask you to provide your name. Only the Council will receive your survey responses. In the future, the Council may share what was learned from the surveys with others; however, no information will be shared that would allow any survey respondents to be identified.

Question Title

* 1. Name (this is requested only to be certain you are a PDC 30 member and only one survey is completed in your name)

Question Title

* 3. Trade

Question Title

* 4. Home zip code

The following question asks about the allocation of annual pay raises. When an annual pay raise is required under a Collective Bargaining Agreement, the District Council Delegates add the dollar amount of the raise to the "total hourly wage package" and "allocate" the total wage package across wages and benefits.  Employers are then instructed to put a certain amount of money "on the check" and provide other amounts to fund priorities such as member training, healthcare, and retirement savings (pension and 401(k)).

Question Title

* 5. Please rank each of the categories below in the order of importance to you, with 1 being the MOST important and 6 being the LEAST important. Please use each number - 1 through 6 - only once.

The following statements describe priority areas for PDC 30 activity over the next several years. Please read the description of each priority area and mark the answer that best describes your feelings about the issue described.

Question Title

* 6. The quality of our health benefits is very important to me. In addressing health care inflation (increased costs to the Plan), I would support allocating more of the total wage package to maintain the level of benefits the plan offers.

Question Title

* 7. We must work to continually enhance and strengthen members’ retirement savings and pension benefits.

Question Title

* 8. We must work to further support, promote, and recruit viable candidates for our apprenticeship program.

The following statements deal with the current economic environment and your level of financial security. Please read the statement and mark the answer that best describes your current situation.

Question Title

* 9. When I consider the current costs of living, I believe my work in the union trades is providing the financial resources for me to meet my expenses and care for my family.

Question Title

* 10. In the past year, I have regularly worried about my ability to afford (select all that apply):

The following statements deal with jobsite safety protocols, working conditions, rules, and tools outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (and oftentimes required to be provided/accommodated by your employer for work covered by the CBA). Please read the statement and mark the answer that best describes your current situation.

Question Title

* 11. Current jobsite safety protocols are adequate to protect me from potential workplace hazards.

Question Title

* 12. In the past year, my employer has NOT always provided me, free of charge, with the following items needed to perform my job (select all that apply).

Question Title

* 13. In the past year, my employer has NOT always covered reasonable costs for the following when it isn't practical for me to return to my home each evening (select all that apply).

Question Title

* 14. On average, the amount of time I spend travelling to work (one way) each day is

Question Title

* 15. What barriers might you be facing in maintaining steady employment?

Question Title

* 16. Are there other areas of activity that should be a top priority for PDC 30 in the years to come? If so, please list and describe.

Thank you for taking time to complete this survey. Your participation is critical in helping to shape PDC 30’s priorities as it plans for the best ways to support you, your family, and your PDC 30 brothers and sisters in the years to come.

If you have other details or concerns to share regarding your survey responses, please bring them directly to your local business representative.

Please click "Done" to submit your survey answers.