The Ohio Department of Development is currently preparing the Program Year (PY) 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, which requires that supportive housing/homelessness needs be addressed. This survey is intended for statewide administrators of supportive housing/homelessness programs, as well as members of the general public to help Development better understand what housing gaps and challenges exist. All responses will remain anonymous. The final results will be summarized in the Consolidated Plan's Needs Assessment.

Question Title

* 1. What best describes your position?

Question Title

* 2. Please list the counties where you provide services or operate. If you are a member of the public, please indicate the county you reside (select all that apply).

Question Title

* 3. Please rank the top needs for persons experiencing homelessness in your respective communities from most important (1) to least important (15).

  1. Temporary or transitional housing
  2. Rental assistance to prevent homelessness
  3. Need for new shelter/capacity
  4. Emergency shelter maintenance/repair
  5. Rental assistance for homeless persons
  6. Emergency shelter for homeless
  7. Permanent housing solutions for chronic homeless persons
  8. Housing for persons with cognitive disabilities
  9. Housing for persons with physical disabilities
  10. Housing for persons with HIV/AIDS
  11. Housing for youth
  12. Housing for elderly
  13. Housing for persons with addictions
  14. Housing for persons with criminal history
  15. Housing for victims of domestic violence

Question Title

* 4. Please rank the most needed services for persons experiencing homelessness in your respective communities from most important (1) to least important (17).

  1. Services to prevent homelessness
  2. Support services
  3. Case management
  4. Transportation
  5. Health/ Medical Services
  6. Job training
  7. Life skills assistance
  8. Legal services
  9. Mental health services
  10. Youth programs and assistance
  11. Food assistance
  12. Landlord education/information
  13. Rental assistance for persons experiencing homelessness
  14. Financial literacy
  15. Veterans’ services
  16. Services for victims of domestic violence
  17. Education assistance

Question Title

* 5. Please rank what household types you believe experience the most difficulty in accessing assistance in your community’s homeless system from most difficulty (1) to least difficulty (10).

  1. Small families
  2. Large families
  3. Families with young children
  4. Elderly
  5. Disabled
  6. Youth
  7. Single individuals
  8. 0-30% Area Median Income
  9. 30-50% Area Median Income
  10. 50-80% Area Median Income

Question Title

* 6. Please rank the top factors resulting in increased risk of becoming homeless in your community from most significant (1) to least significant (10).

  1. Lack of supportive services
  2. Mental health
  3. Substance abuse
  4. Poor credit
  5. Criminal history
  6. Emergencies
  7. Domestic violence
  8. Job loss/insufficient income
  9. Lack of affordable housing
  10. Lack of supportive services