The Ohio Department of Development is currently preparing the Program Year (PY) 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan, which requires that the non-housing community development needs be addressed. This survey is intended for both Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) administrators, as well as members of the general public to help Development better understand what community development and economic development gaps and challenges exist. All responses will remain anonymous. The final results will be summarized in the Consolidated Plan's Needs Assessment.

Question Title

* 1. What best describes your position?

Question Title

* 2. Please list the counties where you provide services or operate. If you are a member of the public, please indicate the county you reside (select all that apply).

Question Title

* 3. In order to better understand the community needs across the state, please rank the top community development public facility and infrastructure improvement needs in your respective communities from most important (1) to lease important (15).

  1. Water infrastructure
  2. Sewer infrastructure
  3. Streets
  4. Sidewalks
  5. Clearance and demolition
  6. Broadband and internet access
  7. ADA accessibility
  8. Flood and drainage infrastructure
  9. Parking
  10. Street lighting
  11. Traffic and safety controls
  12. Parks and recreation
  13. Community centers
  14. Downtown improvement
  15. Public safety

Question Title

* 4. In order to better understand the community needs across the state, please rank the top community development public service needs in your respective communities from most important (1) to lease important (20).

  1. Public services for disabled persons
  2. Services for elderly persons
  3. Youth programs and services
  4. Homeless and domestic violence services
  5. Medical and nutrition services
  6. Fair housing
  7. Employment training
  8. Mental health services
  9. Legal Services
  10. Financial counseling
  11. Waste and recycling services
  12. Childcare services
  13. Victim services
  14. Transportation services
  15. Immigration services
  16. Substance use disorder treatment services
  17. Criminal reentry services
  18. Language services
  19. Preventative services
  20. Program staffing support

Question Title

* 5. Please rank the top economic development needs in your respective communities from most important (1) to least important (17).

  1. Access to water and sewer
  2. Access to utilities
  3. Improved infrastructure (off-site)
  4. Low income job creation
  5. Transportation/access to jobs
  6. Access to broadband
  7. Childcare
  8. Job training/workforce development
  9. Clean-up of contaminated sites
  10. Assistance for microenterprises
  11. Affordable housing near transportation/jobs
  12. Improvements to central business district
  13. Code corrections/façade improvements for commercial buildings
  14. Machinery and Equipment
  15. Land or Building Acquisition
  16. Access to capital
  17. Tax credits

Question Title

* 6. Please rate your knowledge of state-administered grants available to your area.