Access To Finance

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* 1. Have you actively sought business finance within the last 5 years?

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* 2. Are you currently seeking business finance?

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* 3. How confident are you that you would know where to turn for help with business finance?

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* 4. Are you aware of the following organisations/ forms of support that you can approach for help with your business finance?

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* 5. If you have sought business finance in the last 5 years, has a lack of access disrupted your business plans or reduced your ambitions ?

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* 6. When looking for business finance, what are the most important considerations for you? (Tick up to 3)

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* 7. If South Yorkshire partners were to develop a new project or programme designed to connect your business with new investment opportunities (i.e. the City of London) how likely would you be to access it?

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* 8. If Government were to introduce a zero or low percent loan, specifically targeted at supporting investment in decarbonisation, how likely would you be to access it?