
Thank you for submitting a proposal.  We look forward to sharing your expertise with our members.
The 2024 NAMME Program Committee invites you to submit proposals for NAMME’s National Conference to be held at the Intercontinental Chicago Magnificient Mile from September 18-22, 2024. Utilize this form to submit a concurrent session and/or poster presentation proposal. All proposals are due by 5:00 pm EST on Tuesday, March 15, 2024.

Submission Instructions

All submissions should be in line with the conference theme: “Staying the Course: Protecting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”. Presentations should be engaging, interactive, and have wide appeal. The Program Committee will give special consideration to proposals related to areas of developing, sustaining, and ensuring racial and ethnic diversity in all of the health professions, including, but not limited to medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, nursing, academic leadership, etc.

Submissions may also focus and include strategies for:
  • Addressing other aspects of diversity including age, conscious/unconscious bias, culture, disabilities, gender, intersectionality, mental health, multiculturalism, neurodiversity, poverty, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, veterans, and access to higher education
  • Building diverse, equitable, and inclusive communities
  • Enhancing the recruitment and retention of a diverse and qualified faculty
  • Improving student access and outcomes for minorities with an emphasis on first-generation, low-income, and underserved students
  • Increasing the diversity of the health professions school’s teaching workforce
  • Preparing faculty to successfully work with diverse students
  • Strategies on engaging the campus and larger community in diversity, equity, and inclusion education
  • Supporting access to and success in the health disciplines for all students
Additional Scientific Disciplines
  1. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  2. Cancer Biology
  3. Cell Biology
  4. Chemistry
  5. Computational and Systems Biology
  6. Developmental Biology and Genetics
  7. Engineering, Physics and Mathematics
  8. Immunology
  9. Microbiology
  10. Neuroscience
  11. Physiology and Pharmacology
  12. Social and Behavioral Sciences and Public Health

Proposals may be submitted by individuals or groups made up of administrators, faculty, staff, and students. Submissions must be complete and include the following sections:
  • Presentation Title
  • Presenter’s Name(s)
  • Presenter’s Job Title(s)
  • Institution/Organizational Affiliation
  • Primary Contact Information
  • Target Audience
  • Session Abstract/Synopsis (no more than 300 words)
  • Objectives/Outcomes
  • Presentation Method (i.e. activity, discussion, PowerPoint, etc.)
  • Required Equipment