Dear Blizzcon Fan,
A bunch of podcasters, bloggers and fan sites banned together last year to throw the biggest Blizzcon party in history - The World of Podcasts party. This year, we have changed the name to match the scope of the party:
The Con Before the Storm
We had over 3,500 humans, gnomes and goblins come through the doors. This wasn't a single-site party, it was a collaboration from popular sites like Ask Mr. Robot, Open Raid, Icy Veins, J!nx, World of Podcasts and more!
We had experts talking on panels, a game room, a photobooth, drinks and prizes. We also hosted the first annual Blizzard Fan Art Exhibit, with over 100 artists donating 200 pieces of art... ALL given away as prizes at the end of the night.
We did some things right: the art exhibit was a huge hit. The line to get a drink was never more than a couple minutes. Lots & lots of people.
But we have some things to improve on: the art giveaway process needs improving, we'll do more work on the panels, etc. This is where the survey comes in - your feedback will make this event even bigger & better. Let's get 5,000 fans under 1 roof :)
See you at Blizzcon,
The Official Party Planning Committee