Main Street Hub Workshop: Economic Vitality 101 Thank you for your participation in the Main Street Economic Vitality Hub workshop: Economic Vitality 101. To improve our workshops, better meet your needs, and help us gather information for USDA reporting requirements, we would like to get your honest and constructive feedback. Will you please take a couple of minutes to respond to the questions below? Thank you!If you have any questions, or want to discuss feedback, please contact Cayla Catino at or Kevin Teater at Question Title * 1. Please rate the usefulness of the following: Not Useful at All Very Useful Main Street Overview Main Street Overview Not Useful at All Main Street Overview Main Street Overview Main Street Overview Main Street Overview Very Useful Frameworks (Tupelo Model; Traditional Economic Development Approach; Doughnut Economy; WealthWorks) Frameworks (Tupelo Model; Traditional Economic Development Approach; Doughnut Economy; WealthWorks) Not Useful at All Frameworks (Tupelo Model; Traditional Economic Development Approach; Doughnut Economy; WealthWorks) Frameworks (Tupelo Model; Traditional Economic Development Approach; Doughnut Economy; WealthWorks) Frameworks (Tupelo Model; Traditional Economic Development Approach; Doughnut Economy; WealthWorks) Frameworks (Tupelo Model; Traditional Economic Development Approach; Doughnut Economy; WealthWorks) Very Useful Case Studies Case Studies Not Useful at All Case Studies Case Studies Case Studies Case Studies Very Useful How to Do Economic Vitality Work (Change-Ready, Nonlinear Growth, Collaboration) How to Do Economic Vitality Work (Change-Ready, Nonlinear Growth, Collaboration) Not Useful at All How to Do Economic Vitality Work (Change-Ready, Nonlinear Growth, Collaboration) How to Do Economic Vitality Work (Change-Ready, Nonlinear Growth, Collaboration) How to Do Economic Vitality Work (Change-Ready, Nonlinear Growth, Collaboration) How to Do Economic Vitality Work (Change-Ready, Nonlinear Growth, Collaboration) Very Useful Question Title * 2. What did you find most useful? How do you expect to use it in your economic vitality work? Question Title * 3. Are there topics from the sessions around which you need clarification, more direct support, or additional information? Question Title * 4. If we were to make changes to these workshops, what would you most like to see? Demographics Questions RDI is required to gather the following information for reporting to our funders. Your responses are optional. Question Title * 5. What is your age? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Question Title * 6. What is your gender? Female Male Prefer not to answer Prefer to self-identify (optional to specify) Question Title * 7. Please select all that apply: American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White or Caucasian Economically Disadvantaged Language other than English spoken at home LGBTQIA+ Person with a disability U.S. Veteran Other ancestry, cultural identity, country of origin (optional to specify) Thank you for taking the time to provide your input. Your feedback is crucial to helping us better serve rural communities in the Pacific Northwest. Done