What if Province VI focused on cultivating life-giving congregations and
dioceses across Province VI?

Conversations in the Small Church Network continue to validate the resilience and commitment found all across Province VI. We know the Spirit lives in every community and is continually co-creating with us to offer life and vitality within each place. The stories we share of relationships and caring inspire each of us to continue reaching out to Spirit, offering ourselves as participants in God’s reconciling love in communities and contexts across this vastness.

We are pursuing stories of life-giving possibilities being lived in this wide variety of contexts including:
  1. Wisdom, places, objects and commitments from the past and present that you wish to honor now and the generations to come.
  2. Your journey of discerning and meeting community needs and wants in ways that foster relationships between congregations and neighborhoods.
  3. Utilizing the talents of people of many generations and identities in worship and service.
We are reaching out to folks like you who have a congregational perspective and/or a diocesan perspective on the church in your place with the intent of gathering stories about the vitality and life-giving practices/events that inspire you.

Weaving together the themes and experiences from the collected stories offers the possibilities of sharing hope and inspiration across Province VI. Stories also have the power to connect and build relationships. With the technology available we are able to connect across the distances.

As a province, we are committed to helping connect these eight dioceses, to cultivate all things we have in common and celebrate the uniquenesses we bring as gifts to each other. The stories weave us into the sense of belonging to each other and to a wider church. The stories help congregations find others who share similar interests and skills.

This is just the beginning of our work of collecting and curating our Province VI stories. You are invited to take a few minutes to consider and respond to the questions posed below. We will review responses and shape stories out of those best suited for publication and in consideration of the capacity of our narrative team.

If we go ahead with your story, we will share a draft with you before we publish it to ensure you feel you have been authentically represented. We will always seek your consent before any kind of publication.

If you would prefer to share your story in person, you can schedule a time for an interview with Ellen Bruckner provincevitoi@gmail.com

You may answer all or some of the questions below