Digital Jersey Survey on Geospatial Services

If your business is a user of Jersey geospatial data (e.g. physical addresses and postcodes, coordinate locations on the Jersey grid, route maps, aerial photography) or mapping services (e.g. address matching, gazetteer) then please spare a few minutes to think about how your current services might evolve to better support you and your business.
1.Your identity – if you wish to remain anonymous please leave blank
2.As a user of mapping services for Jersey – what are your biggest pain points? Please specify your provider.
3.Is there a valuable dataset, format, or service that is not currently available to you? What impact would the new data/service have on your business?
4.Describe and justify your ideal commercial model for access to geodata and related services.
5.Does your business hold a geospatial data set that may be useful to other members of the local community?
6.If yes, would you consider making your data available either for free or on a paid-for basis? Please elaborate.
7.If you wish to comment further please either do so here or contact