Thank you for playing Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket.
In order to improve this app's promotion and services, we ask for your participation in the survey.
This survey takes about 5 minutes to complete, so please participate.

■ Survey period
10/30/2024 01:00(UTC)~ 11/12/2024 05:59(UTC)

* The back key (back button) of the smartphone may not function properly when answering, so please refrain from using it.
* The in-game data of the respondents to this survey and their responses to this questionnaire may be linked, but this will not identify the individual respondents.
* This survey uses SurveyMonkey's survey system, but SurveyMonkey cannot use any of the collected survey results.
* Please note that the results of this questionnaire may be statistically processed and disclosed to the public in a form that does not identify individuals.
* The Pokémon Company will handle the information obtained in this questionnaire in accordance with the following <Privacy Policy>.

Question Title
