230907 ECOA & Fair Lending: Examiner Hot Buttons ~ CU Question Title * 1. Which is not protected from discrimination under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act? Credit score Race Religion Marital status Question Title * 2. Does the Fair Housing Act cover residential real estate loans? Yes No Question Title * 3. Which is not prohibited discrimination? Using different standards in determining whether to extend credit Varying the terms of credit offered Treating a borrower differently in servicing a loan Encouraging minority applicants to apply for credit Question Title * 4. If an applicant applies for individual credit, when may a lender ask for the applicant’s marital status? If the applicant doesn’t satisfy the lender’s underwriting criteria If the credit is to be secured Lender may never ask an applicant’s marital status Lender may always ask about an applicant’s marital status Question Title * 5. Which documents can the lender require the spouse to sign? Promissory note Collateral pledge agreement Neither a nor b Both a and b Question Title * 6. Which is not overt evidence of disparate treatment? Lender openly discriminates on a prohibited basis Lender explicitly considers prohibited factors in the loan decision Lender secretly holds animosity for certain minorities Lender expresses a discriminatory preference although doesn’t act on it Question Title * 7. What is comparative evidence of disparate treatment? A neutral policy that is applied equally to all applicants disproportionately burdens persons on a prohibited basis A neutral policy that is applied equally to all applicants does not disproportionately burden any persons on a prohibited basis Differences in treatment that are not explained by legitimate, nondiscriminatory factors Differences in treatment that are expressly due to a prohibited basis Question Title * 8. For a finding of disparate impact, must the lender have discriminatory intent? Yes No Question Title * 9. Which is an accurate statement about disparate impact? A neutral policy of the lender can still be found to have a disparate impact If the lender’s policy has a disparate impact, the next step is to determine whether the policy is justified by business necessity Even if the lender’s policy can be justified by business necessity, it still may be discriminatory if an alternative approach would serve the same purpose with less discriminatory effect All of the above Question Title * 10. What should the lender do to mitigate the risk of a fair lending charge? Set specific underwriting criteria and never permit any deviation from that underwriting criterion Give a written statement to all applicants of a protected class acknowledging that the lender is obligated to follow the fair lending laws Provide fair lending training to your staff so they consistently apply the same standards Immediately approve or deny the loan based solely on the credit score if the applicant is of a protected class Done