Thank you for taking the time to participate in this consultation survey regarding the Competency Standards Framework for Pharmacy Technicians. Your feedback is crucial in ensuring that these standards accurately reflect the needs and expectations of the profession.

This document describes the core competency requirements of an entry level pharmacy technician across Australia and New Zealand. It is a foundational document that aims to provide a standardised approach to the pharmacy technician profession and the workforce.  

The goal of the framework is to provide a platform from which educational content, accreditation standards and recognition programs may be developed. It is recognised that the pharmacy technician landscape is in a dynamic state and changes are expected with the ongoing development of the profession. It is expected these competencies will be further developed to reflect these changes as appropriate. 

If you are a pharmacy technician, pharmacist or key stakeholder we are seeking your feedback on the relevance of the framework to practice of pharmacy technicians, how you think the framework may be implemented in your workplace and how the current education landscape may fit into the landscape.

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As part of making your submission, you consent to having your de-identified response included in any reports, publications or presentations relating to this consultation. All individual identifiable responses will not be made publicly available.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your full name

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* 2. Which stakeholder group or person best describes you? Please tick all that apply.

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* 3. On a scale of 1 - 10, how confident are you that the competency standards overall represents the skills, attitudes and other attributes (including values and beliefs) required for pharmacy technicians entering the profession to perform their roles effectively?

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 4. When considering Domain 1 individually and its scope statement, on a scale of 1 – 10, how confident are you that the domain is reflective of the practice that should be expected of an entry level technician?

Domain 1 Cultural inclusion and diversity: This domain includes standards which recognise that equity, diversity and inclusion is an essential aspect of healthcare and need to be considered by pharmacy technicians when delivering patient care. This includes understanding our indigenous community as well as communities that are at higher risk of poor health outcomes.

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 5. When considering Domain 1, are there any additional aspects that you think would add value to the practice of a pharmacy technician?

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* 6. When considering Domain 2 individually and its scope statement, on a scale of 1 – 10, how confident are you that the domain is reflective of the practice that should be expected of an entry level technician?.

Domain 2: Professionalism and Ethics This domain includes those competency standards that address the legal, ethical and professional responsibilities of pharmacy technicians. It encompasses the obligation technicians have to comply with legislative standards, including a legal responsibility to work within their competence, and commit to life-long learning and professional development to maintain and build competence. It also addresses the obligations technicians have to uphold ethical standards, demonstrate the professional behaviours reasonably expected of a health professional.

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 7. When considering Domain 2, are there any additional aspects that you think would add value to the practice of a pharmacy technician?

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* 8. When considering Domain 3 individually and its scope statement, on a scale of 1 – 10, how confident are you that the domain is reflective of the practice that should be expected of an entry level technician?

Domain 3 Communication and Collaboration : This domain includes those competency standards that are required to communicate and work effectively with professional colleagues, patients (which includes carers, guardians and families), other clients as well as members of the general public. Effective communication and understanding and respect for the roles of other health care disciplines is essential for building partnerships and working collaboratively and cooperatively with others, including in the identification and resolution of problems, disagreements or conflicts that arise in practice.

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 9. When considering Domain 3, are there any additional aspects that you think would add value to the practice of a pharmacy technician?

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* 10. When considering Domain 4 individually and its scope statement, on a scale of 1 – 10, how confident are you that the domain is reflective of the practice that should be expected of an entry level technician?

Domain 4 Medicines management and patient care: This domain includes standards where pharmacy technicians utilise their expertise and skills to ensure safe and effective management and delivery of medications. It includes the implementation of operational product distribution to ensure accurate release of products.

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 11. When considering Domain 4, are there any additional aspects that you think would add value to the practice of a pharmacy technician?

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* 12. When considering Domain 5 individually and its scope statement, on a scale of 1 – 10, how confident are you that the domain is reflective of the practice that should be expected of an entry level technician?

Domain 5 Leadership and Management: This domain includes standards addressing self-leadership by pharmacy technicians and the importance of requirement to promote leadership of others through supportive acts and role modelling.

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 13. When considering Domain 5, are there any additional aspects that you think would add value to the practice of a pharmacy technician?

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* 14. When considering Domain 6 individually and its scope statement, on a scale of 1 – 10, how confident are you that the domain is reflective of the practice that should be expected of an entry level technician?

Domain 6 Education and Research: This domain includes standards on pharmacy technicians providing education and training to others in the team. It also describes the importance of pharmacy technicians accessing, retrieving and applying relevant evidence-based information to inform decisions to provide safe and effective patient care and product management.

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i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 15. When considering Domain 6, are there any additional aspects that you think would add value to the practice of a pharmacy technician?

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* 16. Do you foresee any challenges in implementing the competency standards within your workplace?

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* 17. What challenges do you foresee?

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* 18. Do you think the existing training courses enables pharmacy technicians to meet these competency standards?

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* 19. How can professional development opportunities be optimized to align with the competency standards?

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* 20. Please provide any additional comments you may have about the standards in the box below