PPW Elementary School Survey Pretest

1.Are you a...
2.What grade are you in?
3.Next month, will you play sports or get physical activity on most days?
4.Next month, will you get at least 8 hours of sleep on most nights?
5.Next month, will you eat fruits and vegetables each day?
6.Next month, will you eat a healthy breakfast each day?
7.When you are an adult, will you drink or try any alcohol?
8.When you are an adult, will you smoke or puff on a cigarette?
9.When you are an adult, will you try any drugs like marijuana?
10.Next month, will you talk with your parents about your health or health habits?
11.Next month, will you set goals to improve your health habits?
12.When you are an adult, will you try or puff on an e-cigarette?
13.(Optional) Enter a code number given to you or one you'd like to use (Hint: one you can easily remember):
Current Progress,
0 of 13 answered