Missouri DeafBlind Technical Assistance Project (MoDBTAP) provides two types of TA: focused and comprehensive. A description of each is provided below.
Focused TA
Focused TA is delivered at a targeted/specific level and is based on the clearly-identified needs of family members, program/school staff, and/or administrators. Focused TA is short-term assistance designed to address a basic, single need or a small number of basic needs, and is delivered via distance technology. This level of TA emphasizes the efficacy of family/ professional partnerships in supporting child change.
Comprehensive TA*
Comprehensive TA is delivered at an intensive/sustained level and requires a stable, ongoing relationship between MoDBTAP staff and TA recipients. Comprehensive TA can be delivered onsite and/or through distance technology. It includes a purposeful, planned series of activities designed to reach outcomes that are valued by the individual recipients. Family members, program/school staff, and administrators identify and agree to a set of TA needs to be addressed as part of the TA process. This level of TA should result in changes to practices and/or operations that support increased recipient capacity and/or improved outcomes .
*Adapted from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Program’s definition of intensive/sustained technical assistance.