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Deadline to submit: January 14, 2022

The Casualty Actuarial Society is accepting proposals for sessions at the 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance, June 13-14, 2022.

Note: Submitting a proposal does not guarantee it will be selected as a session at the meeting. You will be notified by February 4, 2022, if your proposal has been accepted, either as is or combined with similar/related proposal(s). The committee reserves the right to reject any proposal if it is determined the topic is not a match for this program or we have too many proposals to accommodate them all.

Please note the 2022 CAS Seminar on Reinsurance will be held in New York City, NY. Please also be aware that we are subject to the COVID mandates of that locality.  

Question Title

* 1. Submitter Info

Question Title

* 2. Write a compelling title (maximum: 200 Characters) that quickly captures the key concept behind why someone should choose to attend your session over another.

Question Title

* 3. Write a description (maximum: 150 words) that contains your primary content categories/segments; how participants will be able to apply what they learn from you; how you will involve the audience in your session; and what types of content you will include in your handout.

Question Title

* 4. Write an appropriate number of clear and focused learning objectives, using action verbs, for the format you have selected (maximum 50 words).

At the end of this session, participants will be able to…

Question Title

* 6. Select which one of the following topics your content fits

Question Title

* 7. Please provide the names and contact information for all speakers in your session at the time of proposal submission, including email addresses; CAS will notify each person listed in the proposal of his/her inclusion. Please do not add their names unless they have agreed to present. As the submitter, you will be CAS’s primary contact concerning this proposal.

Question Title

* 8. Suitable for Non-Actuaries?

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