Thank you for your feedback. Your responses will help us engage with Friends more deeply. Any information you provide is anonymous and confidential. If you have any questions about this survey, please email Beth Hallowell at

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1. At AFSC, we work on many issues. Which issues are most important to you? Check all that apply:

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2. We know Friends like you work for peace and justice in many different ways. Please tell us how much you agree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
I want to support educational activities, like trainings and awareness-raising events
I want to support efforts that help meet people's needs, like humanitarian relief work and mutual aid networks
I want to support advocacy, like changing policies at the local, state, or federal level
I want to support activism, like demonstrations and community organizing

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3. We want to offer all Friends ways to get involved. Which opportunities would you find most engaging?

  Most engaging Engaging Neutral Not that engaging Not at all engaging
Opportunities to engage with AFSC at protests and actions
Serving as a Quaker liaison
Online events to learn more about key issues or develop new skills
Action alerts on urgent issues
Opportunities to engage with AFSC through my Meeting or church
Opportunities to donate to AFSC
In-person AFSC events to learn more about key issues or develop new skills
Opportunities to engage with AFSC on social media
Weekend Reading (email) and blogs that help you stay up to date
Visit from AFSC speakers at my Meeting or church

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4. Do you use any social media channels? Check all that apply:

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5. How would you describe your relationship to AFSC, either now or in the past? Check all that apply:

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6. We are always looking for ways to engage more deeply with Quakers and our supporters. Are there any resources, events, or opportunities we can provide to help support you in your work for peace and justice?

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7. Please share your monthly and yearly Meeting/church.