Future Forestry Leader Qualification Survey Question Title * 1. I am a/an: Forest Owner/Forest Manager Employer Health and Safety Advisor Contractor - Silviculture Contractor - Harvesting Contractor - Engineering Contractor - Technical Crew Manager Crew Member Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. How many years have you worked in the Forestry Industry Less than six months 6 months to 3 years 3 years to 6 years 6 years to 15 years 15 years + Question Title * 3. Would you, or your team, be interested in a Leadership qualification that supported your ability to develop personally and professionally? Yes No Don't know Maybe Question Title * 4. From the list below, select three topics that would be most important or valuable for you to have in a Level 5 Leadership Qualification. Health and Safety Leadership and Team Building Forestry Operations - Operational Value Chain Te ao Māori e ona tikanga - Core values and principles for team harmony New Innovations in Technologies Mental Health and Wellbeing Business Development - Entrepreneurial Skills Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. What topics outside of the above list would benefit you or your team? Time Management Critical Thinking Add more here :) Question Title * 6. Would you, or your team members, enroll in a leadership qualification in Forestry? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. With the information provided, do you feel that a Level 5 qualification in Leadership could benefit the industry as a whole? Yes No Done