QUIZ on the 2022 TEST RULE 18 (Mark-Room)

The World Sailing Rule 18 Working Party is trying to find ways to simplify rule 18, Mark-Room, without making significant changes to the current game. We have created a test rule 18 for 2022, and we invite you to study this rule and then take a quiz to check your understanding. This will help the Rule 18 WP understand how easy it is for sailors and race officials to understand the test rule 18.
Please read the 2022 Test Rule 18 (text below), including the test definition Mark-Room and the preamble to Section C. Then answer the following 11 questions using the 2022 Test Rule 18. Please also score the test rule (see Question 12), and add any comments or suggestions you might have for further simplifying rule 18 (Question 13).
This quiz will remain open until July 15, 2022 and the answers will be posted then at this link.

Thank you!
2022 TEST Rule 18

Definition Mark-Room
Room for a boat to sail her proper course to round or pass the mark, and room to pass a finishing mark after finishing.

Preamble to Section C
Section C rules do not apply at a starting mark surrounded by navigable water or at its anchor line.


18.1  When Rule 18 Applies
(a)   Rule 18 applies between boats when they are required to leave a mark on the same side and at  
least one of them is in the zone. However, it does not apply
       (1)  between boats on opposite tacks on a beat to windward or when the proper course at the mark for one but not both of them is to tack,
       (2)  between a boat approaching a mark and one leaving it, or
       (3)  if the mark is a continuing obstruction, in which case rule 19 applies.
(b)  Rule 18 no longer applies between boats when the boat entitled to mark-room has left the mark astern and is on a course to begin sailing the next leg, or is no longer racing.

18.2  Giving Mark-Room
(a) When the first of two boats reaches the zone,
       (1)  if the boats are overlapped, the outside boat at that moment shall give the inside boat mark-room.
       (2)  if the boats are not overlapped, the boat that has not reached the zone at that moment shall give the other boat mark-room.

(b) When a boat is required to give mark-room by rule 18.2(a), she shall continue to do so even if later an overlap is broken or a new overlap begins.

(c) If there is reasonable doubt that a boat obtained or broke an overlap before the first of two boats reached the zone, it shall be presumed that she did not.

(d) Rule 18.2(a) no longer applies if the boat entitled to mark-room passes head to wind or leaves the zone.

(e) When rule 18.2(a) does not apply and the boats are overlapped, the outside boat shall give the inside boat mark-room.
18.3  Tacking in the Zone
If a boat has passed head to wind in the zone and another boat was fetching the mark at that time,
(a)   rule 18.2 does not apply between them, and
(b)  at a mark to be left to port, if the other boat has been on starboard tack since entering the zone, the boat that tacked shall
          (1)  not cause the other boat to sail above close-hauled to avoid contact, and
          (2)  give mark-room if the other boat becomes overlapped inside her.

18.4  Gybing in the Zone
When an inside overlapped boat must gybe at a mark to sail her proper course, she shall not sail farther from the mark than needed to sail her proper course if this affects the choice of course of an outside boat.

43.1(b)  Exoneration (Note: there is no change to rule 43.1(b) in the 2022 Test Rule 18)
When a boat is sailing within the room or mark-room to which she is entitled and, as a consequence of an incident with a boat required to give her that room or mark-room she breaks a rule of Section A of Part 2, rule 15, 16, or 31, she is exonerated for her breach.
QUESTION 1     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.The preparatory signal is at 4:00 minutes. With approximately 2:30 minutes to start, W and L (two overlapped starboard-tack boats) are approaching the race committee boat (RC Boat) that is one end of the starting line. Does L have to give W room to pass to leeward of the RC Boat?
QUESTION 2    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.WI, M and LO (three overlapped port-tack boats) are approaching a leeward mark to be left to port. How wide can WI and M sail without risk of being penalized for breaking rule 11 (On the Same Tack, Overlapped)?
QUESTION 3    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.LI and M (two starboard-tack boats) and P (a port-tack boat), all overlapped, are approaching the left-hand gate mark (looking downwind). LI is affecting M’s and P’s choice of course in the zone. How wide can LI and M sail without risk of being penalized for breaking rule 18.4 (Gybing)?
QUESTION 4     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.SA and SB (two starboard-tack boats) are approaching a leeward mark to be left to port. SA reaches the zone clear ahead of SB, but for whatever reason sails farther from the mark than her proper course. SA then gybes and sails back towards the mark on port tack. SB luffs to avoid SA and protests. What is the correct decision?
QUESTION 5    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5.SA and SB (two starboard-tack boats) are approaching a leeward mark to be left to port. When SB reaches the zone, SA is outside the zone. SA then gybes and sails towards the mark on port tack. SB luffs to avoid SA and protests. What is the correct decision?
QUESTION 6    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6.LO and WI (two overlapped port-tack boats) are rounding the leeward mark to start an upwind leg. WI is entitled to mark-room under rule 18.2(a)(1) (Giving Mark-Room). Rule 17 (On the Same Tack; Proper Course) does not apply such that LO has luffing rights. When can LO begin to luff and cause WI to sail above a close-hauled course?
QUESTION 7     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.PA and PB (two port-tack boats) enter the zone of a windward mark to be left to port. At position 2, PA tacks onto starboard tack and gives PB room to duck her; i.e., room to keep clear under rule 15 (Acquiring Right of Way). However, PB tries to tack to leeward of PA who is fetching the mark. After PB passes head to wind but before she reaches a close-hauled course, PA luffs to avoid hitting PB and protests. What is the correct decision?
QUESTION 8    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8.S and P (two boats on opposite tacks) are approaching a windward mark to be left to starboard. P is on the port-tack layline. S tacks directly in front of her, keeping clear while she is tacking under rule 13 (While Tacking), and giving P room to keep clear after completing her tack under rule 15 (Acquiring Right of Way). When S completes her tack, she is clear ahead of P and her bow is less than a length from the mark. P, with more speed, becomes overlapped to leeward of S. At position 3, what rules apply to S and P?
QUESTION 9    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9.SL and SW (two overlapped boats on starboard tack) enter the zone of a windward mark to be left to port. Neither boat is fetching the mark. Both boats tack onto port tack and are overlapped. Is SW required to give SL mark-room while they are on port tack?
QUESTION 10    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10.SA and SB (two starboard-tack boats) are approaching an offset mark to be left to port. The next leg is dead downwind and there is no current; either tack could be a proper course for the boats. SA enters the zone clear ahead and her choice of proper course is to gybe and begin the next leg on port tack. After SA gybes but before she has left the mark astern, SB has to luff to avoid her and protests. What is the correct decision?
QUESTION 11     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11.SA and SB (two starboard-tack boats) are rounding the windward mark to port. The next leg is dead downwind and there is no current; either tack could be a proper course for the boats. SA enters the zone clear ahead of SB. After leaving the mark astern but before leaving the zone, SA gybes onto port tack which is her proper course. SB is unable to avoid her and protests; there is no damage or injury. What is the correct decision?
QUESTION 12    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12.Please score the 2022 Test Rule 18 on a scale from 1-5, based on how easy or complex you think it is compared to the current rule 18:
QUESTION 13    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13.Please share any comments on the 2022 Test Rule 18, or any suggestions you have for ways to further simplify rule 18 without changing the game significantly.
14.OPTIONAL: Your name and email address in case we'd like to contact you for further discussion.
A complete explanation of the quiz answers will be posted on July 15, 2022 at this link.
You can see the answers now at the same link by looking through the 2022 Test Rule 18 powerpoint.
If you're interested, you can also get the following at the same link:
      • Summaries of the Simplification and Game Changes based on the 2022 Test Rule 18

Thank you very much for your time and interest in this project,

          – The WS Rule 18 Working Party