These are some of the communication, collaboration, and problem solving skills that will help you be successful in school and in the future. We would like you to evaluate where you are in the process of learning these skills TODAY.

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* 2. Please think about yourself as a student while you read each skill. For each skill, mark the response that best describes how you rate yourself TODAY in that skill.

  I have not been taught this skill. I know what this skill is but haven’t practiced it. I am beginning to develop this skill. I can do this fairly well. I am really good at this.
I can ask good questions.
I can answer questions accurately.
I can explain activities and ideas clearly.
I can use appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
I can work cooperatively with my classmates.
I can work cooperatively on team activities.
I can consider other points of view.
I can disagree respectfully.
I can identify strategies or procedures to complete assignments.
I can find information for projects or assignments.
I can organize information.
I can interpret information.
I can develop alternative approaches to solve problems.
I can select efficient approaches to complete my work.
I can monitor my progress.
I can evaluate my work.

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* 3. What grade are you in? 

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* 4. What is your gender? 

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* 5. How would you describe yourself?