Question Title

* 1. Did you learn about a new resource through 211 DuPage?

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* 2. Did you receive the information you needed to contact an appropriate service provider?

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* 3. Have you tried to contact any of the organizations you were referred to by 211 DuPage?

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* 4. If answered yes to question #3: Did you receive or are you receiving services from one of the organizations you were referred to by 211 DuPage?

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* 5. If answered no to question #4: Why not?

Question Title

* 6. Ask the caller about each need listed in CallPoint:
"You called regarding ____________. Was your need met?"

Update the Outcome of Need box in CallPoint and check the box below confirming this step has been completed.

Question Title

* 7. Overall, were your expectations of 211 DuPage met?

Question Title

* 8. Would you recommend 211 DuPage services to a friend or family member?

Question Title

* 9. Do you have any other feedback about 211 DuPage?