2050 RTP Public Engagement Survey Thank you for participating in the development of the 2050 Regional Transportation Plan (2050 RTP). We need your perspective as a participant to evaluate DRCOG's public engagement efforts. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions that follow. Your input will help us improve our public engagement processes for upcoming DRCOG projects. Thank you for your valuable contribution! Question Title * 1. Did you participate in the development of the 2050 RTP in any of the ways listed below? Click on all that apply. Gave input at a booth at a community event Filled out an online survey Completed the online scenario planning budget activity Submitted a photo for the photo contest Emailed staff my comments on the draft plan Visited the virtual open house site to learn about the draft plan Reviewed materials on the DRCOG website Reviewed the summaries of engagement sent via email Attended a virtual public meeting about the plan DRCOG visited my organization and gave a presentation where I gave interactive polling feedback Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 2. How did you hear about the opportunity to participate? Click on all that apply. Email Social media Friend or family member My employer Newspaper Local government Other Community Based Organization. Please provide the name of the organization. Question Title * 3. Were you a member of one of DRCOG’s advisory groups in the development of the 2050 RTP (Civic Advisory Group or Youth Advisory Panel)? Yes No 25% of survey complete. Next