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* 1. In what zip code do you live?

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* 3. In an average week, what modes of transportation do you use? Please select all that apply and list the corresponding percentage.

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* 4. If you have school-age children or college students in your household, what forms of transportation do they use to and from school? Mark all that apply.

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* 5. To what locations do you travel, and how often each week? Select only those types of reasons that apply to you.

  1 time per week 2 times per week 3 times per week 4-5 times per week 6-7 times per week
Medical appointments
Senior/Community Center

Question Title

* 7. How often do you travel out of the county and for what reasons? Select only those types of reasons that apply to you.

  1 trip per MONTH 2-3 trips per MONTH 4-5 trips per MONTH 1 trip per WEEK 2-3 trips per WEEK 4-5 trips per WEEK 6-7 trips per WEEK
Shopping / errands

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* 8. Does anyone in your household own an electric vehicle?

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* 9. If you answered “no”, what are the primary reasons for not choosing an electric vehicle now or for your next vehicle purchase?

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* 10. The following is a list of issues people are sometimes concerned about. Please indicate your degree of concern about each item.

  Very serious problem Somewhat serious problem Not a serious problem No opinion
Lack of parking in commercial areas
Not enough bike paths and lanes
Condition of major highways in Mendocino County
Pavement condition of local streets and roads (i.e., potholes)
Too much traffic on local streets
Unsafe streets, roads, and highways
Not enough local bus service

Question Title

* 11. The following is a list of common reasons people do not use walking or bicycling as a mode of transportation. Please indicate if these items are barriers to you or your household members using these active modes of transportation.

  Significant barrier Somewhat of a barrier Not a barrier
Lack of sidewalks or bike lanes
Time constraints
Traffic danger
Crime danger
Travel distances are too far
Other barriers

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* 12. Please describe any other issues or concerns you feel should be included with regards to future transportation planning in region.

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* 13. Please tell us a little about yourself. Check all that apply.

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* 17. What language is primarily spoken in your household?

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* 18. Do you use a wheelchair or some other type of assisted mobility device?

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* 19. Respondents must provide an email or mailing address to be eligible for the $25 gift card drawing.

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