The City of St. Cloud is developing its 2026 - 2030 Consolidated Plan. This plan is the basis for the City awarding annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Over the next five years, the City of St. Cloud is estimated to receive up to $4 million in CDBG funding to serve the community’s low/moderate ­income (LMI) residents and areas. Your responses to this survey will help the City set its priorities around housing, public improvements, economic development and other essential public services enhancing the lives of LMI persons . Thank you for your feedback!

Question Title

* 1. What is your role in the community or on behalf of our community? (Check all that apply)

Section 1 - Overall Community Needs

Question Title

* 2. What three improvements would you most like to see in the community? Please select up to three choices.

Question Title

* 3. On a scale of 1 to 5, with five being “very effective”, how well are the following needs being addressed in the community?

  Not at all (1) Slightly (2) Somewhat (3) Moderately (4) Very (5)
Quality housing
Job creation
Greater access to food
More local retail stores
Greater access to healthcare
Neighborhood safety
Improved streets, sidewalks and parks
Support for persons experiencing homelessess
Support for youth, seniors and the disabled
More recreational facilities
Section 2 - Priorities and Actions
The Consolidated Plan defines goals and priorities for federal funding. The next set of questions ask you to identify the top 2 or 3 actions desired for each priority area.

Question Title

* 4. What two issues are the greatest HOUSING QUALITY AND AVAILABILITY needs for LMI persons in the community?

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* 5. What two issues are the greatest PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE needs for LMI persons in the community?

Question Title

* 6. What two issues are the greatest HOMELESS SERVICES needs in the community?

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* 7. What two issues are the greatest ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT needs for LMI persons in the community?

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* 8. What two issues are the greatest SUPPORTIVE SERVICE needs for LMI persons in our community?

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* 9. What two actions should the community prioritize for NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS?

Section 3 - Fair Housing
As part of the planning process, the City of St. Cloud must analyze factors that limit fair housing choice in St. Cloud. This final set of questions is an opportunity for your to identify your views on housing discrimination in the community.

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* 10. Are you aware of any housing discrimination in St. Cloud?

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* 11. In St. Cloud, are there any differences in access to housing for individuals of a specified protected class? If so, check any protected class this applies to:

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* 12. In what form do you believe housing discrimination exists?

Question Title

* 13. Are public resources (e.g. parks, schools, roads, police & fire services, etc.) available evenly throughout St. Cloud?

If you feel you may have been discriminated against, please contact the Minnesota Human Rights Department at phone: 651-539-1100 or 1-800-657-3704 I web: I email:

Question Title

* 14.
Do you want to be updated on the Con Plan progress including input meetings and public hearings?

Enter your email below: