2025 Youth Energy Conference & Awards

10% of survey complete.
In 2025, NEED will host the 45th Annual NEED Youth Energy Conference and Awards! The conference and awards combine academic competition with recognition to acknowledge everyone involved in NEED during the year – and to recognize those who excel in energy education in their schools and communities.

The NEED Project emphasizes the “Kids Teaching Kids” approach to energy education. Each year, NEED calls on student leaders from across the United States to staff the Youth Awards Program. Students that serve on the Youth Awards staff arrive one day prior to the conference and depart the day after. The students on Youth Awards Staff are familiar with the NEED Project and its mission and have used the program in their classrooms. The Youth Awards Staff should have exceptional leadership skills, be knowledgeable about energy, and be willing to work hard to make the program a success.

As part of the youth conference program, Youth Staff will play an integral role leading educational sessions and assisting student groups as they tackle a STEM Challenge.

Potential candidates are:
  • Effective leaders who lead by example and are well respected by peers.
  • Encouraging facilitators who serve as a team leader.
  • Leaders who create excitement and motivate others to accomplish great things.
  • Leaders who demonstrate energy awareness at home, school and in the community and educates others about energy.
  • Students who are knowledgeable about energy and have taken time to not only be a leader of energy activities but have developed a knowledge base about energy and important energy issues.
  • Students who engage the winners attending the Youth Awards Program both in activities and conversation.