The Outstanding Project Award aims to increase awareness of evidence-based practices that can be replicated and/or scaled in other colleges/districts and environments to improve student success and equity. This award is for a recent individual or team project that has positively impacted student success and equity at the organizational, regional, or statewide level.

Project/Study Completion Date: To be eligible for a 2025 Outstanding Project Award, the project must have been completed after January 1, 2024.

Submissions received by 11:59 pm on Monday, January 13, 2025, will be considered for a 2025 award. If you have any questions, please contact Adore Davidson, Marcell Gilmore, and Brad Trimble, IRPE PD Steering Committee Tri-chairs, at

Question Title

* 1. Institution (at which the project was completed):

Question Title

* 2. College or District CEO:

Question Title

* 3. Project Lead Contact Information (primary project contact):

Please include information for any collaborators on the project:

Question Title

* 4. Collaborator 1:

Question Title

* 5. Collaborator 2:

Question Title

* 6. Collaborator 3:

Question Title

* 7. Collaborator 4:

Question Title

* 8. Project Title

Question Title

* 9. Project Summary (500 words or less):
Please provide a summary of the project goals, approach or research methods, populations of interest and/or impacted stakeholders, and key findings or lessons learned.

Question Title

* 10. Project Impact on Students and the Student Experience (500 words or less):
What was the project’s impact on students and/or the student experience? Describe the impact the project has had on student success overall and for historically marginalized student groups using the following prompts.

- What outcomes did the project achieve? Please summarize the qualitative and/or quantitative outcomes of the project.
- How has the student experience improved as a result of the project? Examples of impact may include (but are not limited to) uncovering and collating evidence-based practices that:
  • Have positive effects on minoritized and marginalized students
  • Amplify the student voice
  • Increase student engagement
  • Increase student access
  • Reduce or eliminate equity gaps
  • Improve student outcomes, particularly for systemically underserved or disproportionately impacted student populations
- Who (which students) were impacted? Please note how the project addressed equity gaps and the use of equity-conscious practices in the design, implementation, analysis, and dissemination of research results.

Question Title

* 11. Contributions to the IRPE Field (300 words or less):
Please share how the project has contributed to the research, planning, assessment, or other institutional effectiveness-related knowledge base and practice.
  • What are the implications for practice for other IRPE offices and/or other community colleges?
  • How could this project be adapted for other institutions or contexts?
  • What are the project’s practical implications for the field?
  • What templates, models, or examples could be useful for other IRPE offices/colleges?

OPTIONAL: To provide additional contextual information for your project submission, you may upload 1-2 additional documents. Please note that submissions will primarily be reviewed based on responses to the above required questions.

Question Title

* 12. Supporting documentation #1:

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 13. Supporting documentation #2:

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 14. Once you have finished uploading the files, please provide the name(s) of the documents you uploaded.

Thank you for completing your 2025 Outstanding Project Award submission! Awards will be announced in late February 2025. If you have questions or would like to receive a copy of your submission form, please contact Adore Davidson, Marcell Gilmore, and Brad Trimble, IRPE PD Steering Committee Tri-chairs, at