Oral Report. Every year a highlight of the District Assembly is to hear the oral report of the pastor. The oral report of the pastor for 2024 will be as follows:
1) Dr. Filmao Chambo is our presiding General Superintendent.
2) Our theme this year: The Great Gathering
3) We want every pastor to provide a 145-word written (in advance) (due to the DRC by April 21, 2025) which you may be asked shared in a one-minute (yes, sixty seconds!) report at the assembly. The report is to be a missional story that focuses on either:
i) a person who has been converted during the last 12 months by accepting Christ as Savior; or
ii) tell about a new congregation started through your ministry; or
iii) tell about a brand-new outreach ministry you launched; or
4) Our assembly enjoys hearing from our pastors. We value each report. Please follow the above protocol and be prepared to share your report if and when called upon to do so. them so much that we are asking every pastor to follow this protocol established by our General Superintendent:
This report is to be submitted by the same deadline as all reports. Please be sure to submit your reports on time for that our handbook will be complete and correct. Thank you.