CLA Mentoring Program

The 2025 mentoring program is now accepting submissions from recent calls (new to 5 years). The association has a vested interest in assisting recent call members with mentoring support. The mentorship program is only available to CLA members located in Ontario.

The Program:

For the period of May 1 – November 30, recent calls (new to 5 years) will be paired with senior CLA members. Mentors will be assigned or matched up by the mentoring committee. During the mentorship period, mentors and mentees will meet, at minimum, for two hours, twice per month. The new call is to bring a representative sample of their criminal law files. There will be random review as well as an opportunity for new call to ask what ever they wish. Mentees/mentors paired cannot be from the same firm/office.

The mentorship program may be eligible for CPD credits for both mentor and mentee - updates will follow.


Mentee candidates are those within 5 years of being called to the bar. A current CLA membership must be maintained throughout the mentorship period. This program is not open to students/articling students. The mentee’s responsibilities consist of:

• Committing 10+ hours per month
• The Mentee will be prepared to discuss the details of the files, ie: the Mentee will have reviewed all the available disclosure prior to the meeting to enable the Mentor to discuss approaches, motions, etc.
• Mentees will review fees and billing practices, including both private and Legal Aid files with their mentor
• Meet face to face, at minimum, for two hours, twice per month
• Report on progress after three months
• Participate in an exit interview at the conclusion of the program
• Sign a program agreement form.

To Apply:

The mentorship committee will endeavor to ensure balanced regional representation. Mentees/mentors paired cannot be from the same firm/office.

Applications are due by 9 a.m. March 31. PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY BELOW.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your first and last name

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* 2. At what email address would you like to be contacted?

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* 3. Please provide the city/region you are located in:
(note, participants must be located in Ontario)

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* 5. Please briefly describe why you wish to be mentored. Details provided will assist us in your pairing.

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* 6. About your current practice:

(indicate "n/a" in each item below if not employed)

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* 7. Percentage of practice currently devoted to criminal law:

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* 8. Percentage of Retainers on Legal Aid:

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* 9. List of other formal Mentorship Programs you are currently Involved In:

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* 10. Please include any personal information you feel relevant to the selection process:

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* 11. What geographic region(s) would you prefer to mentor came from?

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* 12. Are there any other preferences you would like your mentor to have?