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Strong local associations are the backbone of the success of Big I New York and play a major role in building relationships between agents, carriers, and vendors, advocating critical issues to the industry, encouraging education and professional development among members, and developing consumer knowledge and trust in the independent insurance agency system.

Please assist Big I New York in determining the recipient of the Local Association of the Year Award for the outstanding effort and accomplishment of its volunteer leaders, staff, and members in the areas of enhancing the image of the independent agent, planning and executing an outstanding local association meeting, legislative advocacy, and establishing effective public relations from May 2024 through March 2025.

This award is open to all Big I New York local associations and any local association or individual may make the nomination. The award will be presented during a local association event. The winning local association’s name will also be recognized on May 14, 2025, at the Annual Business Meeting held in Verona, New York.

The deadline for submission is end of day Friday, March 14, 2025.

Question Title

* 1. Please include the following information in your nomination:

Question Title

* 2. Consider the following characteristics of the nominated association for the period of May 2024 - March 2025. Please upload a document that details how the local:

A. Enhanced the image of the independent agent - 25%
Please describe activities undertaken by the local association to enhance the image of the independent agent. Also describe any community engagement, charitable activities, etc.

B. Planned and executed an outstanding local association meeting- 25%
Please describe one outstanding meeting your association held in the past year. How was it planned? What made it unique? What was the feedback you received from members or other guests?

C. Participated in advocacy activities - 25%
Please describe your association’s legislative advocacy activities, including any local advocacy or meetings, and participation in the National Legislative Conference.

D. Handled public relations activities (i.e., news releases, media interviews, etc.) 25%

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