MN-ACP Leadership Day with Minnesota delegation

The Minnesota Chapter of the American College of Physicians (MN-ACP) will award 3-4 travel scholarships to medical students, resident/fellows and/or an early career physician to participate in the in-person ACP Leadership Day training in Washington DC on April 28-29,2025. You must be an ACP member and member of the Advocates for Internal Medicine Network (free for ACP members at ). A $1200 travel scholarship will be provided to attend the in-person event with other MN-ACP leadership.

ACP Leadership Day Grant Application
This application is for resident/fellow, medical student and/or early career physician to apply for travel grants for ACP Leadership Day 2025. All fields must be completed. The application is due by Feb. 3, 2025.

Question Title

* 1. Member's Name (First Name, Last Name):

Question Title

* 2. ACP Membership/Type:

Question Title

* 3. Are you a member of the ACP Advocates for Internal Medicine?

Question Title

* 4. Contact information

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* 5. Program Director's Contact information (if medical student or resident)

Question Title

* 6. In 250 words or less, please describe your interests in healthcare policy advocacy, as well as any previous involvement in ACP's advocacy efforts and/or chapter activities. Please note that your statement will be reviewed in a blinded process by a review committee at MN-ACP and you will be notified shortly after the deadline.