IMPORTANT: Verify the information entered above for accuracy and/or misspellings!
Payment Options:
1. $40 - single person
2. $35 - if 5 or more individuals multiply # of registrants by $35 (5 x $35 = $175). Enter amount in box provided on the Donation/Payments page.
LIMITED OFFER! 00The first 50 young men -- ages 15-22 -- FREE.
000000000 00000
Click "Done" twice at the bottom of the page to automatically proceed to Vanco Services secure payment site, the Donation/Payments page. Enter the correct dollar amount in the box to the right of "Catholic Men's Conference".
Click "Continue" in the lower left corner. (It is not necessary to "Log In" or "Create Your Online Profile" features on the right side of the screen.)
The next window asks for credit/debit information. Once this information is submitted, a payment confirmation email is automatically sent. Please retain this document for your records.
NOTE: The registration process is not complete until payment is received.
Thank you!