Nominate an Individual, Group, or Family for their Volunteer Service!

Please take a moment to review the Nomination Eligibility and Checklist to be sure that you have the information required to submit a completed nomination.

When you are ready to submit your nomination, click the 'Next' button.

Nominations will now be accepted through March 31, 2025!

Question Title

* 1. I am nominating:

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* 2. Individual/or Group Nominee Name (for groups please list a primary contact for the group)

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* 3. Individual/group NOMINEE Contact Information (for groups please use the primary contacts information)

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* 4. Nominee Age (for groups please select all ages that apply)

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* 5. My nominee is a current student at: (include for group nominees only if the entire group is affiliated with one of these schools)

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* 6. Number of years this individual or group has actively volunteered in the Bloomington/Monroe County Community? (at any organization)

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* 7. Please Consider This Nominee for the Following Award Categories:

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* 8. Individual or Group Performed Service in the Following Categories: (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 9. Submit A Photo of Your Nominee(s) in Action
*Submit one (1) photo of this nominee or nominee group. File size cannot be larger than 2MB

Please attempt to get a photo of your volunteer ‘in action’ doing what they were nominated for.
Photos may be used in a photo montage that honors nominees during the Be More Awards. Photos will not be made available to judges.

Photos must be in digital format (preferred – high res. files) or be able to be scanned into the computer. No newspaper clippings or paper copies (low-quality) can be accepted.

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.

Question Title

* 10. Primary Organization for which this individual or group volunteers
(IMPORTANT: This organization must have a 501(c)3 tax-exempt status (or school or government equivalent exempt status) - sorry, no exceptions. If the nominee is selected for an award, this organization would receive the $1,000 cash award provided by the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County.)

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* 11. Organization Website Address

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* 12. Number of years this individual or group has been volunteering with THIS organization?

Question Title

* 13. Other nonprofit organizations for which the individual or group volunteers. (optional)

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* 14. NOMINATOR Contact Information

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* 15. NOMINATOR Relationship to Nominee(s)

Please describe your nominee's service in the following four areas.
You are encouraged (but not required) to submit a MINIMUM of 300 characters description in each field to better distinguish your nomination for the selection committee.

Question Title

* 16. SERVICE: Describe the nominee’s volunteer service. 
(submission suggestion: 100 min.-250 max. words)

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* 17. NEED: Describe the need for the nominee’s service. 
(submission suggestion: 100 min.-250 max. words)

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* 18. IMPACT: Describe the impact or difference the nominee’s service made to the community.
(submission suggestion: 100 min.-250 max. words)

Question Title

* 19. WHY: Why do you believe your nominee deserves to be honored with a Be More Award?
(submission suggestion: 100 min.-250 max. words)

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