Rent Increase Consultation 2025 / 2026
Please provide your opinions regarding the affordability of your current rent and the proposed rent increase to be applied from 1 April 2025.
How affordable do you consider your current rent?
Very affordable.
Fairly affordable.
Neither affordable nor unaffordable.
Fairly unaffordable.
Very unaffordable.
What do you think of the proposal to increase rent by 4.7% (CPIH plus 1.5%) next year?
I think that an increase of 4.7% is reasonable and should be applied next year.
I think that an increase of 4.7% is too low and should not be applied next year.
I think that an increase of 4.7% is too high and should not be applied next year.
Other (please specify)
Please provide your name:
Please provide your address: