2025 Nomination Form

The Area Agency on Aging, PSA 2 is now accepting nominations for Outstanding Senior Citizen Awards. These awards will be selected by each county and announced in May for Older Americans Month on the Agency’s website, summer newsletter and county senior day celebrations. Award information will also be provided to local newspapers in each county. One award will be presented in each county (Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Shelby).

Individuals and organizations involved with adults 60+ may submit nominations to the Agency for selection by the respective County Council/Coalition on Aging. Organizations are limited to one nominee per county. If you need a print version of the survey, please contact Kelsey Snowden at 937-341-3020 or ksnowden@info4seniors.org.

Nomination guidelines for the Outstanding Senior Citizen Award are as follows.
1. Individual must be 60 years of age or older and a resident of the county for which the award is being presented.

2. Nominee must have been a legal resident of Ohio for the past five (5) years or longer.

3. Major emphasis should be placed on contributions to the community made by the individual after reaching age 60. However, prior contributions may be considered.

4. Service in any field of endeavor should be considered (e.g., education, radio, television, business, medicine, art, music, journalism, religion, athletics, politics, volunteer service).

5. A married couple may receive the award jointly when both have been involved in service and various community endeavors.

6. No individual or couple will be eligible who has previously received this award.
All nominations must be received at the Area Agency on Aging, PSA 2 by March 21, 2025.

Questions may be directed to Kelsey Snowden at ksnowden@info4seniors.org or
(937) 341-3020.

Question Title

* 1. Nominee Information

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* 2. County of Residence

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* 3. Number of Years as a Resident

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* 4. Year of Birth

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* 5. Nominee background information

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* 6. Outstanding contributions for which nominee should be considered.

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* 7. Individual or Organization Making Nomination