Welcome to the Marion County Volunteer Award Nomination Portal

Your participation is needed to make Marion County's volunteer recognition a success. Thank you for submitting a nomination for our 2024 Volunteer Awards.

Your nomination should recognize a volunteer for their service during the 2024 calendar year (January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024).

A nominee may be honored for ongoing or past service to a program, or for work on a one-time project. Anyone may submit a nomination, and volunteers may be nominated for more than one category. A separate nomination form must be received for each category.

Nominations are accepted throughout the year, but must be submitted to Volunteer Services no later than 5pm on Friday, March 28, 2025 to be considered for a 2024 award. A selection committee will review the nominations and select recipients; the Board of Commissioners will present awards at a yet-to-be determined event in 2025.

If you have not reviewed the Award Criteria for each of the award categories, please visit https://www.co.marion.or.us/HR/VOL/Pages/recognition.aspx.

Using this nomination portal:
Your content on each page will be saved when you hit the "next" button. As long as your browser window remains open, you can toggle back and forth between pages up until the point you submit your nomination form. Specifically, you can edit your submission up until you check the final question "Yes, I am ready to submit my nomination". You will see a confirmation screen if you have successfully submitted a nomination.