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* 1. Have you attended any ACC Charlotte events or programs in 2023 or 2024?

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* 2. If yes, approximately how many did you attend in 2023-2024 to date?

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* 3. If not, why? Please select all that apply.

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* 4. Do you prefer In-Person or Virtual CLEs?

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* 5. Of the ACC Charlotte programs you have attended, which category of program did you attend? Select all that apply.

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* 6. Which type of CLE topics do you want more of? (Select 3)

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* 7. Do you have suggestions on future Professional Development events that would be beneficial?

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* 8. For social and women's events: Do you prefer purely networking events with food/drink or do you prefer specific activities at venues?

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* 9. We currently offer a New to In-House Affinity Group and a Manufacturing Affinity Group. Each group offers 2 events that are generally roundtable discussions or industry tours and aren’t CLE focused. Do you recommend any other Affinity Groups? If so, share below.

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* 10. Have you ever retained or recommended services of any ACC Charlotte law firm sponsors?

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* 11. If so, which ones? Select any that apply.

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* 12. What might influence your decision to hire a law firm sponsor?

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* 13. If you want to participate in the drawing for a $100 Amazon gift card, please list your name and email. This information is considered confidential and only used for drawing purposes.