Please fill out the requested information below and note that if selected, this information will be used for conference materials.

Workshop proposals will be selected based on their relevance to the field, engaging format, subject-matter expertise and training experience of the presenters, and supplemental materials.

Due date: June 30, 2024.

For questions, please email:

Question Title

* 1. Please list the primary point of contact name, title, organization and email address. (Note this is the main point of contact with TLPI.)

Question Title

* 2. Please list all presenters (up to 3)

Question Title

* 3. Proposed workshop title.

Question Title

* 4. Proposed Workshop description. (Note that if selected, this description will be used in conference materials. Please spell check and limit to 500 characters.)

Question Title

* 5. Proposed Workshop Learning Objectives. (Please list at least 2.)

Question Title

* 6. Select the workshop category/track (you may check more than one, however, please note that TLPI will select one category/track.)