WCPP Community Survey 2024

WCPP Community Survey 2024

This survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. All information will help inform the work of Windham County Prevention Partnership (WCPP). WCPP consists of Building a Positive Community, the Deerfield Valley Community Partnership and West River Valley Thrives (Thrives).
This survey takes about 5-7 minutes to complete. Upon completion, you will have an opportunity to enter a $25 raffle prize for your time.
1.What region do you live in?
2.What is your age?
3.How much of a problem is the use of each of the following substances by persons aged 12 to 17 in your community?
Not A Problem
A Minor Problem
A Moderate Problem
A Significant Problem
Don't Know
Tobacco/Nicotine - cigarettes, smokeless nicotine, vaping
Cannabis - smoking, edibles, vaping
Other Illicit Drugs (e.g. cocaine, amphetamines, hallucinogens)
Prescription Drugs (e.g. pain medication, sedatives, tranquilizers, stimulants)
Inhalants - misusing household aerosol products
4.How much of a problem is the use of each of the following substances by persons aged 18 to 25 in your community?
Not A Problem
A Minor Problem
A Moderate Problem
A Significant Problem
Don't Know
Tobacco/Nicotine - cigarettes, smokeless nicotine, vaping
Cannabis - smoking, edibles, vaping
Other Illicit Drugs (e.g. cocaine, amphetamines, hallucinogens)
Prescription Drugs (e.g. pain medication, sedatives, tranquilizers, stimulants)
Inhalants - misusing household aerosol products
To what extent does each of the following factors possibly lead to underage drinking (under 21) in this community?
5.Acceptability and Social Norms:
Place a check in the box that best describes your perception.
Very little or none
A great deal
Don’t Know
Parents and/or caregivers allow underage persons to drink
Underage drinking is viewed by adults as a rite of passage
Youth and young adults perceive drinking as cool or expected
6.Lack of perceived risk. Underage persons….
Place a check in the box that best describes your perception.
Very little or none
A great deal
Don’t Know
Perceive they are not likely to be cited or arrested for possessing alcohol
Don’t think there will be serious consequences even if caught
Don’t think there is a risk to their health or safety
Don’t stop to think about, or care about, possible negative consequences
7.Commercial promotion of alcohol
Place a check in the box that best describes your perception.
Very little or none
A great deal
Don’t Know
Pervasive ads on radio, TV, social media, and signage
Alcohol availability and advertising at community events
8.Easy access to alcohol. Underage persons..
Place a check in the box that best describes your perception.
Very little or none
A great deal
Don’t Know
Are able to purchase alcohol at restaurants and bars
Are able to purchase alcohol at stores
There is a lack of securing alcohol in the home
Get older friends or siblings to buy alcohol
9.Reasons for easy access to alcohol
Place a check in the box that best describes your perception.
Very little or none
A great deal
Don’t Know
Retailers don’t check IDs
Adults are unaware of penalties for providing alcohol to minors
Lack of monitoring at social events
Lack of parental monitoring
10.What other factors not mentioned above possibly lead to underage drinking in this community? (please write in)
CANNABIS QUESTIONS (cannabis is used interchangeably with marijuana)
To what extent does each of the following factors possibly lead to underage cannabis use among youth (under 21) in this community?
11.Acceptability and Social Norms:
Place a check in the box that best describes your perception.
Very little or none
A great deal
Don’t Know
Parents and/or caregivers allow underage persons to use cannabis
People in this community accept or tolerate cannabis use
Cannabis use is considered a rite of passage
Youth and young adults view cannabis as expected or cool
12.Lack of perceived risk. Underage persons….
Place a check in the box that best describes your perception.
Very little or none
A great deal
Don’t Know
Are unaware of the health and safety consequences of cannabis use
Perceive that negative consequences of cannabis use won't happen to them
Perceive that they are unlikely to be cited or arrested for using cannabis
13.Advertising of Cannabis
Place a check in the box that best describes your perception.
Very little or none
A great deal
Don’t Know
Advertising reduces the perception of harm of use
14.Easy access to cannabis. Underage persons…..
Place a check in the box that best describes your perception.
Very little or none
A great deal
Don’t Know
It is easy to get cannabis commercially
It is easy to get cannabis from friends, family
There is a lack of securing cannabis in the home
15.What other factors not mentioned above possibly lead to underage
cannabis use in this community? (please write in)
To what extent does each of the following factors possibly lead to RX Drug Use among youth (under 21) in this community?
16.Acceptability and Social Norms:
Place a check in the box that best describes your perception.
Very little or none
A great deal
Don’t Know
People in this community accept or tolerate prescription drug misuse
Youth and young adults view prescription drug misuse as expected or cool
17.Lack of perceived risk. Underage persons….
Place a check in the box that best describes your perception.
Very little or none
A great deal
Don’t Know
Are unaware of the health and safety consequences of prescription drug misuse
Perceive that negative consequences of prescription drug misuse won't happen to them
Perceive prescription drugs as safe because they are "prescribed" by doctors
18.Easy access to prescription drugs. Youth and young adults...
Place a check in the box that best describes your perception.
Very little or none
A great deal
Don’t Know
It is easy to get prescription drugs
There is too much availability due to over prescribing
There is a lack of securing prescription drugs in the home
19.To what extent does each of the following individual factors possibly lead to underage substance use (alcohol, cannabis, prescription drugs, etc) among youth (under 21) in this community?
Place a check in the box that best describes your perception.
Very little or none
A great deal
Don't know
Coping with mental health, stress or anxiety
Experiencing trauma in the home, personal life or community
Experiencing discrimination or bias based on gender, ethnicity, religion or
other identities
20.To what extent does each of the following law enforcement factors possibly lead to underage substance use (alcohol, cannabis, prescription drugs, etc) among youth (under 21) in this community?
Place a check in the box that best describes your perception.

Underage youth:
Very little or none
A great deal
Don’t Know
Are not likely to have underage parties with alcohol/cannabis broken up by law enforcement
Are not likely to be cited or arrested for drinking
Are not likely to be cited or arrested for possessing or using cannabis
Are not likely to be cited or arrested for possessing or using prescription drugs not prescribed to them
Are not likely to be stopped by law enforcement for driving after using cannabis, alcohol or other drugs
21.Barriers to effective enforcement
Place a check in the box that best describes your perception.
Very little or none
A great deal
Don’t Know
Lack of resources (personnel, funds, etc.)
Inconsistent application of laws
Underage alcohol use is not a priority
Underage cannabis use is not a priority
Underage prescription drug misuse is not a priority
22.What other factors not mentioned above possibly lead to underage
prescription drug misuse in this community? (please write in)
23.Please tell us your level of agreement with the following:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The community should expand its efforts to address substance use among youth (under 21)
There is a need for more substance use treatment programs for youth (under 21)
There is a need for more substance use prevention programs for youth (under 21) - etc. afterschool programs, policy change, curriculum, family education
I know at least one place I could refer a friend, peer, or loved one to for help with substance use disorder
I know where I can safely dispose of unused prescription medications
I believe that addiction is a brain disease
I believe that recovery from substance use disorder is possible
I believe as many people as possible should carry naloxone/Narcan - overdose reversal medication
I believe youth should feel they matter in my community
I believe youth have opportunities to voice their views on decisions being made in my community
I have seen or heard messaging from the Windham County Prevention Partnership (WCPP)
24.As part of our work, WCPP strives to build community and social connection. When you feel isolated or lonely, who do you connect with? (Check all that apply)
25.How did you learn about this survey?
26.Thank you for your time. Windham County Prevention Partnership is made up of Building a Positive Community, the Deerfield Valley Community Partnership and the West River Valley Thrives (Thrives). When you hit "Done" below, you will be taken to a URL that you can copy to enter our raffle.

If you would like to learn more about or get involved with our work, please provide your contact information below: