Recognise a great physiotherapist

Every physiotherapist knows someone who has contributed great things to the profession and to the APA. Now is your chance to nominate them for a Western Australian Branch Award and shine a light on their efforts.
The nomination categories are:
  • Contribution to the Profession (APA member)
  • Contribution to the Profession (APA student member or recent graduate 5 years or less)
  • Contribution to Rural and Regional Physiotherapy
  • Contribution to Physiotherapy Education
  • Contribution to Physiotherapy Research
  • Contribution to the Community
  • Contribution to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health within the Physiotherapy Profession

These categories recognise physiotherapists’ varying and deserving contributions at different stages of their career.

Closing date for nominations COB Monday 7th October 2024. Award recipients will be presented at the APA WA Branch Annual Dinner on Friday 15 November 2024.

Nominations will be judged by a panel consisting of APA WA Branch Council Executive and one other person selected by the Branch President. A shortlist of up to three nominees for each award will be determined based on the nominators’ statement. Ensure you carefully address each criterion, demonstrating the nominee's impact and achievements, and providing evidence where possible. Download criteria via link below.

*** Important : Click here to download and read nomination criteria and questions before submitting your nomination ***

Entry Conditions
All nominators and candidates must be financial members of the Australian Physiotherapy Association WA Branch. To be considered for a particular award a nominee must not have received that award within the last 5 years. Applications must be signed and include name and contact details of the nominee and the nominator. Applications must include a short statement (up to 200 words typed or in legible handwriting) detailing why the nominator believes the nominee should receive the award.

Nominations will be judged by a panel consisting of APA WA Branch Council Executive and one other person selected by the Branch President. A shortlist of up to three nominees for each award will be determined based on the nominators’ statement. Nominees who are not shortlisted will be advised of their nomination. Shortlisted nominees will be contacted and asked to provide specific information to support their category nomination. Nominees will be given a two-week deadline to return their information. Award nominees will be notified of the judges’ decisions.

    Question Title

    * 1. Your details

    Question Title

    * 2. Name of member you wish to nominate

    Question Title

    * 3. Please indicate which category you wish to nominate this person for (select one category only)
