6% of survey complete.
Please answer the following questions related to you and your practice of prosthodontics. Your responses will assist the American College of Prosthodontists with its career development programs. This survey includes questions for all active prosthodontists including private practice, academic/university settings, government service, or other practice settings. If you are a private practitioner, please respond about your primary practice (i.e., the prosthodontics practice where you spend most of your time treating patients).

Your dental production software such as Softdent, Dentrex, or Eaglesoft may be able to provide data for the production figures requested in the survey.

After starting the survey, you may close your browser and return to finish later, as long as you use the same browser and computer. A cookie will be stored in your browser that remembers your survey responses. Clicking the survey link again should take you back to the page where you left off. Use the 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons to navigate between pages of the survey. Do not use your browser's 'Back' arrow.

After completing the survey, you will have the chance to enter a drawing for a $100 Amazon Gift Card or a complimentary registration to the 2025 ACP Annual Session in New Orleans!

Thank you for participating.